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Believers In Recovery

is an interdenominational protestant ministry 


We welcome people with no faith, little faith and great faith


Believers In Recovery is a church wide Christian recovery community supporting men and women who have been affected directly or indirectly by any forms of addiction.


Believers In Recovery is an interdenominational movement and we welcome people with no faith, little faith and great faith.


The Believers In Recovery movement is an additional resource for our members who attend other recovery programs.


This is a group for people who do not get enough recovery in the Church and do not get enough Christianity in their recovery programs.


Our aim is to be all that we have been called to be in Jesus Christ our Lord.




Believers In Recovery seeks to become an accessible and powerful addition to the Church and the community we seek to serve.


Believers In Recovery recognises the importance of inclusion no matter what church denomination or recovery program you use and therefore sees this as development in the body of Christ as a whole.


 Our aim is to reach, teach and send the Believer to impact the local community and the nations.


We believe all things are possible for those that believe in The Lord Jesus Christ.


We believe in the Trinity of The Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


We believe in the life, death, burial and resurrection of Christ.


We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God (We recommend NKJ, AMP, NIV, ESV.)


We believe we are saved by grace through faith not of our own works.


We believe that there is only one way to the Father through Jesus.


We believe in water Baptism as a public declaration of our faith.


We believe in the gift of the Holy Spirit promised by Jesus.


We believe the Word of God (The Holy Bible) is the final authority in our life.


We believe in Heaven and hell.


We believe in the return of Christ. (His second coming to earth).


We believe all things are possible for those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ


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